Minimum Energy, Maximum Productivity

Smarter, Cheaper, Cleaner Energy

We are energy, data, technology and finance nerds who are passionate about solving problems that increase productivity and creates prosperity for the most people possible.

At our core, we are effective altruists using the tools of commerce and technology to do the most good we can with our talents, resources and time

What We offer

We help our customers find and apply the most efficient and hassle free ways to power their lives.


Energy Data

We prepare businesses, individuals and governments for the energy revolution—smart grids, electric vehicles, hydrogen, solar, storage… Request a quote


Smart Energy Devices/Appliances

We provide intelligent devices that not only track your consumption, but also make prudent energy utilization decisions on your behalf.


Solar and Storage Installation

We install and maintain solar and storage technologies, which will save you money over the long term.


Electric Vehicles

We are building the largest and smartest electric vehicle charging network in Africa, beginning with pilots in Ghana and Nigeria.


We help our clients make sense of data and insights and solutions for their business and public management goals

Why Choose Us

Our Value

We are passionate about ending energy poverty in a sustainable way. We aim to not only satisfy but delight our customers by being thorough in our service delivery and responsive to our clients’ needs. We are big on research and innovation, to provide you the best technology possible.

Innovation and

We are dedicated to innovating on products and our business model. Our goal is to lead the way in smart energy devices and technologies across the automotive, electricity and technology sectors.


We provide round the clock service availability. In addition to deploying best in class technologies, we provide full manufacturer warrantees and 1 year product warrantees.


We continually improve on our technical abilities and also listen to you for feedback on how we can improve our services.

About Us

At TAO Inc, our mission is to help our customers reduce effort, while maximizing productivity in at home, at work or on the road.

We are passionate about helping our customers reduce costs—either currently expended in burning expensive fossil fuels or using physical energies, wherever possible.



What We Offer

Why Choose Us

7 Kwa Falls street, Maitama, Abuja
+234 908 485 7430
Copyright 2021 TAO Energy